
Elite Athlete Workshop 2025
Thu 01 May 2025 2:00PM — 3:30PM
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Event information

Late registrations for this event are closed.
Articulating The Value Of Sport To The World or Work
Join us for a Free lunch and group session learning how to convert experience in sport into employability gold. Learning things such as your '6 word story' alongside a range of pre and in session activities will help harness and develop the value of sport to non-sporting stakeholders. You will be able to increase your awareness of opportunities aligned with your studies, and understand how our Careers Hub can assist you after the session. 
Mark Gregory - Ready 4 When 
Mark has worked in over 28 jobs, across three continents, and has specific experience in high performance sport. He has supported over 200 Elite Athletes striving for podium success since 2015 in the lead up to Rio2016, and the Tokyo2020 (1) Games. He currently works with clients who want to be 'Ready 4 When' opportunities present. 
As a qualified Careers Practitioner, he is able to use evidence-based frameworks, and refer athletes, coaches and sports administrators to free resources and support. 
Pre-session Activity 
Each athlete is encouraged to complete a Free online survey that will be used during the session. The VIA Survey provides a report that outlines your key strengths, that can assist you bring together multiple aspects of who you are; The Sports person, The Student, The Worker and The Community Member. 
Any further questions feel free to email: