Vice-Chancellor Cup to be held on the last Friday of October

Published Fri 14 Oct 2022

Adelaide University Sport and Fitness is delighted to announce that the 14th Annual Vice-Chancellor (VC) Cup will be held on Friday, 28 October 2022.

After its postponement in early September due to poor weather conditions, the race that stops the campus will go ahead as a stand-alone event.

Originally part of Adelaide University Sport and Fitness’ Sports Week, the VC Cup will see six teams compete for the prestigious trophy on the last day of semester.

The event will see students, faculty and department staff come together in a relay style race around the North Terrace campus.

Vice-Chancellor Peter Høj will be in attendance and will be presenting the trophy to the winning faculty or deparment.

The six teams include the Division of Academic and Student Engagement (DASE), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (HMS), University Operations (Uni Ops), Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics (ABLE), and Adelaide University Sport and Fitness (AUSF).  

Team spots are now open and are accepting registrations for students and staff. If you are interested in participating in the race, please contact Annabel Kitto at
